
Christopher T. Chubb

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Updated December 2023

Mathematical physicist and quantum information theorist (big pile of qubits thinking about other qubits).

I am currently a postdoc in ETH Zurich, was previously a postdoc at Université de Sherbrooke, and did my PhD and BSc at University of Sydney. My research broadly sits in four buckets: While many of my papers span several categories, I have colour-coded and labelled the papers below by their primary category. Also my files (papers, talks, and posters) are available here, and my full CV is available here.


[15, QEC]  2310.10722 [abs pdf]
Tensor Network Decoding Beyond 2D
Christophe Piveteau, Christopher T. Chubb, Joseph M. Renes
Journal ref: PRX Quantum 5, 040303 (2024)
[14, Misc]  2305.17163 [abs pdf]
Quantum-embeddable stochastic matrices
Fereshte Shahbeigi, Christopher T. Chubb, Ryszard Kukulski, Łukasz Pawela, Kamil Korzekwa
Journal ref: Quantum 8, 1404 (2024)
[13, Fin]  2303.05524 [abs pdf]
Quantum dichotomies and coherent thermodynamics beyond first-order asymptotics
Patryk Lipka-Bartosik, Christopher T. Chubb, Joseph M. Renes, Marco Tomamichel, Kamil Korzekwa
Journal ref: PRX Quantum 5, 020335 (2024)
[12, QEC]  2211.02116 [abs pdf]
Tailoring three-dimensional topological codes for biased noise
Eric Huang, Arthur Pesah, Christopher T. Chubb, Michael Vasmer, Arpit Dua
Journal ref: PRX Quantum 4, 030338 (2023)
[11, QEC]  2101.04125 [abs pdf]
General tensor network decoding of 2D Pauli codes
Christopher T. Chubb
[10, QEC]  1812.08186 [abs pdf]
Tailoring surface codes for highly biased noise
David K. Tuckett, Andrew S. Darmawan, Christopher T. Chubb, Sergey Bravyi, Stephen D. Bartlett, Steven T. Flammia
Journal ref: Phys. Rev. X 9, 041031 (2019)
[9, Fin]  1810.02366 [abs pdf]
Avoiding irreversibility: engineering resonant conversions of quantum resources
Kamil Korzekwa, Christopher T. Chubb, Marco Tomamichel
Journal ref: Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 110403 (2019)
[8, QEC]  1809.10704 [abs pdf]
Statistical mechanical models for quantum codes with correlated noise
Christopher T. Chubb, Steven T. Flammia
Journal ref: Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincar\'e D, 8 (2) 269--321 (2021)
[7, Fin]  1809.07778 [abs pdf]
Moderate deviation analysis of majorisation-based resource interconversion
Christopher T. Chubb, Marco Tomamichel, Kamil Korzekwa
Journal ref: Phys. Rev. A 99, 032332 (2019)
[6, Misc]  1711.06658 [abs pdf]
Energy cost of entanglement extraction in complex quantum systems
Cedric Beny, Christopher T. Chubb, Terry Farrelly, Tobias J. Osborne
Journal ref: Nature Communications 9 (1), 3792 (2018)
[5, Fin]  1711.01193 [abs pdf]
Beyond the thermodynamic limit: finite-size corrections to state interconversion rates
Christopher T. Chubb, Marco Tomamichel, Kamil Korzekwa
Journal ref: Quantum 2, 108 (2018)
[4, Fin]  1701.03114 [abs pdf]
Moderate deviation analysis for classical communication over quantum channels
Christopher T. Chubb, Vincent Y. F. Tan, Marco Tomamichel
Journal ref: Communications in Mathematical Physics, 355(3), 1283-1315 (2017)
[3, CM]  1608.02600 [abs pdf]
Approximate symmetries of Hamiltonians
Christopher T. Chubb, Steven T. Flammia
Journal ref: Journal of Mathematical Physics 58, 082202 (2017)
[2, CM]  1603.03039 [abs pdf]
Hand-waving and Interpretive Dance: An Introductory Course on Tensor Networks
Jacob C. Bridgeman, Christopher T. Chubb
Journal ref: J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50 223001 (2017)
[1, CM]  1502.06967 [abs pdf]
Computing the Degenerate Ground Space of Gapped Spin Chains in Polynomial Time
Christopher T. Chubb, Steven T. Flammia
Journal ref: Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science 2016, 9 (2016)